WayWay Goth Girl is almost done (or finished if I keep liking her just like she is) and it took me 2 weeks to get her to tell me what she wanted to wear! I refuse to just finish something for the sake of getting it done. My projects 'talk' to me or they do not get done. So WayWay is special. She is neither to gothic nor to horror she just right!
What fun I had creating her! I was inspired whill watching Nightmare Before Christmas .I just had to make a doll!
WayWay is all hand sewed and her clothes are made with one of my daughter's shirt and left over fabric. She looks ruff, not like those Goth Barbie all perfect in their polished Goth gear (even tho I like them). She is all messy and stringy .Her hair is material that frays (love it!) With black thread and rips showing heart and stitches on her skirt. I roughly very roughly) hand sewed black thread on her skirt and shirt. Used some dark blue paint to give that worn look to the cloths and sewed up rips and before I knew it WayWay was there getting her picture took.
Now the only thing I have to decide on is weather to give her a face and shoes with socks! I am undecided on that so I will wait and look at her some more and let her tell me if she wants all that stuff.
I have fun looking up Goth rag dolls and found some I fell in love with .i have pinterest board with Goth as well as other stuff I like check it out at this link http://pinterest.com/ray_r_johnson/my-style/
Have fun doing what you Love and
Love what you are doing!
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