From my last post you know that I have been sewing rag dolls. I would like to share the great wealth of free patterns I have found online. I would also like to thank all the people that post their patterns free and the hard work they do to create these wonderful crafts. They make it possible for others to create and give gifts that come from the heart and not the store.

This site offers some free and pay patterns They are so cute .While you are there check out the other patterns they offer
Lillie Mae's Crafts at she has so much she offers free on her site. It is a wonderful site to look at and I can't get over the fact that she is letting people make her creations for free! Remember to follow the creator's guidelines for using her patterns meaning DON'T COPY AND CALL YOUR OWN THEN SELL THEM. That is just bad form.
I am now in the process of making another doll from one of her patterns called Primitive Annie Rag Doll Pattern .it is just the plain doll pattern with no embellishments. It's a great pattern and it was very easy to follow .For Halloween I am going to create Trick or Treat Witch! She is just too cute!! Below are a few of the dolls you will find on her site as well as other primitive goodies
You can also check out her blog for more free patterns at

Crafty carnival offers some extremely cute rag doll pattern I can already see this little doll as a Goth girl or a country Halloween trick or treat kid …. But don't over look her other free patterns as well check out the image of what you can find there
This is a site that had pdf patterns for rag dolls. I haven't explored it yet but thought I would include it so you can look at it for yourself
and if you would like some tags to go with your dolls here are a set of free prim tags for you to use.
There it is just a few of the sites I looked at while making my doll. Type in rag doll on a search engine and see what you can find in this vast library called the internet.
And as always
Have fun doing what you Love and
Love what you are doing!
Gorgeous rag dolls!! Thanks for sahring the patterns!
Your very welcome and thank you for sharing your patterns!Gifts from the heart are the best!
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