Monday, September 12, 2011

Watch Band Tutorial

Fabric watch-strap cover
image belong to kicking_k

While surfing today I came across this watch band tut.My oldest is allergic to anything silver and still refuses to not wear her watch that has a silver backing.So she has these burn sore on her arm and they look ugly and sore.She is stubborn and she puts clear fingernail polish on the back but to me it seems not to  be working .So falling on this tut was good luck indeed .Below is the link to the blog that gives you step by step instructions with pictures ! This is a great find and i will be stitching up some of these and already seasonal material is coming to mind!!

Have fun doing what you Love          and
Love what you are doing!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


This week I have been finishing up a quilt that 
I has started a long time ago .It has been so hot that the very idea of sitting with a heavy quilt in my lap was not something I was willing to do.But the weather has been on the cool side due to a storm and it felt like Autumn... I LOVE AUTUMN. I finished that quilt and have been repairing one that has been"used to death:". It had little holes and rips in it  so I sat yesterday and today sewing patches on the quilt  .That done I was going to put the layers together and bast it to get ready for quilting ,only to realize that I has no batting ...uggggg!!  I really hate not being able to get to quilt when I am in the mood .So I found other things I need to finish like my pot holders .I need to do those so my family can grease and burn (yes in fire)  them up.And some pillows that every one can fight over .We are pillow mongers here .Now that I think on it we are cover mongers to  lol.
So even if I can not finish the thing I want I can finish the things I need to finish .
Have fun doing what you Love          and
Love what you are doing!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Breast Cancer Steampunk Pumpkin

Breast cancer steampunk pumpkin
I was challenged  by a friend to make a breast cancer steampunk ..... Pumpkin! I couldn't resist .I sat down and started sculpting  my clay and this is what I ended up with.  
Simple and cute .This is clay and one glass pearl. With clock gears and hands . I think this will make a great christmas ornament as well.I'm lovin it!!
 Have fun doing what you Love          and
Love what you are doing!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Steampunk Key rack

While mowing grass  I found several pieces of wood that was used in some construction . As I was mowing images come to mind of what I could create with those scrappy pieces. I painted and glued and turned some screw hooks. Before I realized it I had an awesome steampunk key rack. I am very pleased with how it turned out and I think I will do similar things to the other scraps of wood I found out there ! Check out the key rack .So punkyyyyyy!!
Have fun doing what you Love          and
Love what you are doing!