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AS time goes by I find myself revisiting my
child hood .Remembering all the times we got up on Christmas Eve to open presents. Yes eve due to the fact that my mother's farther was born on the 24th of December. We celebrated Christmas on that day. We didn't have much and presents were only given by mom and dad to us. We had 2 or 3 presents each but we had a great time. My father's family was large (14 brothers and sisters and mom has 8) I never remember feeling as if we were missing anything. But sitting here today I do. We have become so materialistic that the season has been about what and how much we are going to get so last year I decided to start old fashion Christmas. I have skills that I can apply and the love I instill in each thing I do means more to me than anything I could buy. I feel the same way about receiving gifts (as you can tell from other post) things my family and friends give me that is special to each of their skills means more to me than anything they could buy. Most think that they have no skill or anything to offer. But saying you have a skill never limits itself to a craft or creating a masterpiece. Here is an example, my husband and girls do not hunt. I grew up with my brothers and farther hunting and raising pigs. We even had chickens and grew our own veggies .No we didn't live on a farm. We just had limited resources and as my parents family grew up poor they had the SKILL to do the things that would round out our lives. Point? I would love deer meat for a present as I do not get it often anymore, my mom makes fabulous cakes ,but I cannot for the life of me get one not to fall apart, my farther now works on a farm that his nephews owns, so they grow greens ,lemons broccoli and such, my brothers are good with their hands ,wood work and well as helping with heavy things at home( I have girls ) .Their wives hunt as well and I could go on and on with my nieces. Skills mean so much. Something someone can do that you cannot or something someone has that you need. That is what old fashion Christmas means to me. Beauty and necessity are gifts that can be as priceless as the Mona Lisa.
So maybe next year rethink how you look at Christmas. Yes kids still wan the new itouch and all the things that make them cool to their peers but it will be the memories of their Christmas with their family that will outlast the material things. The new expensive in thing will be old news but carving a walking stick, making a tree house ,making a small village, teaching them to make a cake will live in their hearts and minds forever. When they are retelling the stories from their past Christmas's the cake failure or the tilting tree house will be the story they share with their family forever. Not the IPod. You are what they will share.
So with season greetings and good cheer here are 2 stories from my own daughters past Christmas's that are warm and touching to my heart.
WHEN my oldest was young she was new to everyone and I mean new lol. The first child, first grandchild on both sides of the family .The first great grandchild and great great on my husband side child .She got a lot of attention and soaked it all up. When she was about 3 or almost 4 we had done all the mall Santa and all the who and what he is ( my children can ask my till I am 200 and I will always believe Santa is real ..So there) as most parents know mal Santa sometimes are a little rough and sometime scary to little kids. My daughter was like most but for her age she was a little on the smart side..No way was that Santa. So as the season grew closer and the weather was starting to cool down a little we received the greeted gift as a parent. Santa found my daughter.
We were at a local restaurant with her in a highchair .Waving her fries in one fisted hand and stuffing the other in her mouth with the other hand. Swinging her feet and all giggles and smiles when all of a sudden she stood up in the chair (frightening me to death) pointing her fisted hand of fries and screeched 'SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!!!!!'
After grabbing her and glancing across the room there was a man smiling and waving as he took his ticket to the cashier. My husband was laughing and talking to my daughter trying to get her to calm down as all the other customers smiled and enjoyed her happiness! She would have none of it .Santa was here and she was so happy to finally see the real one. He came to our table and said hi to her and she just has to hug him around the waist as he stood by her chair. I could tell he enjoyed the love he felt from her, his eyes had those smile crinkles as he laughed. My husband told him that he must get that everywhere he goes and Santa said yes he did, then reached for his wallet and pulled out a picture of himself and gave it to my daughter and told her it was hers to keep. She then (warming my heart) asked him why he was there and not at home making things with the elves .He just laughed and my husband said "Santa has to take a break too and eat". Santa told her he was heading home right then and after a little bit of chit chat he told her bye and she watched him as he went out to his car ( I think she was hoping to see his deer).She was so excited and could not wait to tell her grandparents about meeting the real Santa. She never asked him for anything and he never asked her what she wanted for Christmas. Material things didn't ruin the meeting between this magical moment between child and saint. It was a pure memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
She was in pre k at our local school .And everything was hectic due to parties, shopping and cooking (I like to include all the people that had a hand in my girls education by making them divinity and she found "new "people she felt helped so my cooking list was long) sewing felt stocking for her older sister class and getting everything ready for their school parties and crafts was a all consuming mom job. On Christmas Eve we made cookies popped popcorn giggles and sewed some popcorn garland. Christmas music filling the house and her ever asking is it time for Santa Claus. We crafted gifts for the grandparents and she really gets into that .She loves giving presents almost as much as she loves getting them.
Late that night she got her bath .Put on her pj's and came with me and her older sister and a blanket to ride our area looking at the lights. The whole time worrying about when Santa would come and all the things most children worried about like how he will find her. But my daughter is a Q&A kind of girl. She wanted to know all there was about Santa, now that she was all grown up and had factual information from all the kids in school. So as we came home I answered all the questions and tried to answer the technical stuff as well. We got home and started laying out the cookies and milk .As we were placing the plate and glass down on the fireplace she looked up at me and said" what about the reindeer?"
I said "what do you mean?" She looked so cute worrying out the problem in her mind. "They pull Santa all night and never get anything to eat .They get hungry to. What are we going to give them?" I was at a loss and scrambled for something to give them. I told her that they could have cookies and she said 'mommy deer don't eat cookies they eat reindeer food.' I had never heard of that before and told her I didn't have any to give them not even a carrot. That's when she flipped her hand at me and said." That's ok I know how to make it. That's what they teach us at school.' Then pranced off to the kitchen where she taught me to make the deer food for them. She explained why glitter was in there, because everyone knows that they need that to see it on the ground .She explained all this with a roll of the eye and the entire patient I had just showed her in the car. We all took the bowl and walked out into the cold night and spread the food out for the poor hungry deer to eat while Santa snacked on his cookies. The next day she went out to look for the food and was happy to see that it was gone and to her the deer had at least one good meal that night before heading home. For her worrying about the lesser creature never meant what it means to us. She never thought about the deer as being beneath Santa but as an equal and deserving of being treated special just like everyone else. Knowing that she extended her heart to include others makes me treasure this memory. As they grow these are the things that will be treasured forever with love and pride. Giving me new hope as they grow into young woman that not only will they see to their own needs but will be aware of the needs of those around then. I remember telling her at that age that I never wanted her to grow up and to stay little forever .She told me she would stop growing right then and there. I asked her how she was going to do that.
"I will stop eating "was her answer. I will say she tried but food was too much to resist for her. She still tells me the same thing she always did .I would say,' I thought you were going to stop eating and never grow up" her reply "I tried but I get hungry and can't help it"
Those memories and little faces are all grown now into 2 beautiful 20 and 17 years old women waiting for their life to take them to another home and another person .But the stories are mine to retell and treasure always and forever.
This holiday season as you are with your family shares the stories young and old. Create those new memories and rejoice in the season.
Thank you for your stories. I grew up much like you. A family of 9 children, not wealthy. But I never realized it until I was out of high school. My brothers hunted and we fished, etc. We raised our own beef and pigs. Oh, how I miss those days sometimes.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
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