Poor little Dove b4surgery |
Dove AFTER surgery |
I haven't posted in several month.Things here kind of got crazy. Not sure what happened first.I think it was my best friend Valery's dog Dove.Now mind you she lives across the road from me and at one time we shared a dog named Froggy (yes I named him that ,it's another story for another day ).Well he ended up living with me and she pays the vet bills .Then we got Ranna (I KNOW ,I KNOW means frog) Now she is my dog and her brother Dove is Valerey's. Dove seems to think he is Superman main dog.Meaning he sails off things with out a care.He is a dachshund and his little back just can't take it.So far he has has 2 surgeries on his back ( her 2 mini car payments she likes to say) and on this last one we came to an agreement that he stay with me while she works out of town on the weekend to better watch the supper dog complex (Dove)
Ranna and her enemy Lucy protesting together over Dove |
Now my other dogs are just getting used to having my oldest daughter 's dog Lucy ( who is leaving with her in 30 years when she moves out)in the house all the time .then Dove started staying and they are still trying to figure out what the heck we were thinking . So basically I have been nursing Dove and now he is better just babysitting him.So far so good except the marking my house war! That is finally under control( can you say doggy diaper? Yes you can)
Froggy taking Dove spot |
Erica left Jordan right |
Next came the special order I got from a haunted house attraction company for fake teeth .Crunch time they wanted 100 by 2 weeks! But I did it and sent that off ,whew doing all that with jealous dogs was not easy .They spent a lot of time with my daughters and outside lol. next came special orders for clay apples with music, twilight and harry potter quotes, That one took awhile,burning ,pasting drying ....But it all came together very nicely!
Lastly my youngest graduated this past week and all the pick her up go get her and drop her off was hair pulling .Mostly my oldest did that as I do not have a car (laughs evilly) And the where are you at? game we play when trying to find her.Very busy.
Erica right Jordan left |
Froggy hunting flies |
So now I am sitting back writing a post finally while boling chicken for soup.thinking and taking time to watch Halloween movies ( I am in Halloween mode ALL year .I love it) while sculpting spooky trees that my daughter ,husband,and sometime fly hunting Froggy ( see name fits but there is more to that story ...okok later) break off limbs every chance they get. All in all it has been tiring but satisfying past months.I can't wait to see what happens next hmmm maybe I can.
Do What You Love
Love What You Are Doing!